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The Intestinal System
Antibiotics are not a key to colon health!
Improper Diet:
When we eat the wrong kinds of food we set up an environment in the colon that makes it hard for the beneficial bacteria to survive. Such a diet is high in processed foods (such as white flour and sugar), high in meat and saturated fats, and low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Processed foods, such as white flour and sugar, have had nearly all the fiber removed. As a result they tend to be sticky and gooey. They stick to the inside of the colon, particularly in the sacculated pouches or haustra, and are difficult for the colon to move through unless there is enough fiber present from other sources. This stagnant material provides a breeding ground for toxin-producing harmful bacteria.
The blood is only as clean as the bowel. The blood absorbs toxins from the bowel and carries them to the liver to be detoxified. When the liver is overloaded because of a toxic colon, not only does it suffer, but the toxins are released into the general circulation where they can effect every cell in the body. These can produce many symptoms that we might not at first associate with poor colon healthheadaches, chronic fatigue, joint pains, and skin problems to name a few. Also, when the bowel is stagnant and toxic, it becomes a breeding ground for a variety of very harmful parasitesfrom single-celled amoebas to 20-foot-long tapeworms.
Drug Use:
Most drugs are toxic to some degree to the beneficial bacteria in our colons, but the most harmful ones are antibiotics. Antibiotics are drugs that are used to kill bacteria. But they kill the good ones as well as the bad.
What Are Some Things That Can Go Wrong With The Colon?
Constipation is caused primarily by insufficient dietary fiber. Contributing factors are lack of exercise and not drinking enough water. Laxatives are not a good solution. They work by irritating the bowel in order to rid the colon of its contents by inducing a form of diarrhea. Laxatives are harmful to the colon and are habit-forming. A much better solution is to correct the cause of the constipation by following the keys to colon health mentioned aboveparticularly by insuring that we get enough fiber in the diet.
Hemorrhoids, also known as Piles, are dilated veins in the anus and rectum. They are most commonly caused by insufficient dietary fiber and by straining at the stoola habit that is often difficult to break and which also results from insufficient dietary fiber. (Straining to urinate due to prostate enlargement can also contribute to hemorrhoids in men.)
Appendicitis refers to inflammation and infection of the appendix. This disease is a perfect example of the fact that drastic measures, like surgery, are sometimes necessary if preventative measures are not employed before symptoms occur. It is caused by low fiber intake and a lack of good bacteria. It usually occurs in childhood, which is why children should be given supplements providing beneficial bacteriaespecially after having been on an antibiotic.
Colitis, also known as irritable bowel or spastic colon, is when the inner lining of the colon becomes inflamed. It is the most frequently seen gastrointestinal disease and is highly related to stress. Ulcerative colitis is a more severe form of this disease in which ulcers, or open sores, appear in the mucosa or inner lining of the colon. Even though it is caused largely by stress, a healthy bowelincluding all of the factors mentioned abovecan help protect us from colitis.
Diverticulosis: An outward ballooning (diverticula) in the bowel wall caused by increased internal pressure and weakening of the bowel wallboth of which are caused by chronic constipation which in turn is caused by a lifetime of insufficient dietary fiber and poor bowel hygiene. If a diverticula becomes inflamed it is call diverticulitis.
Parasites can occur in many body systems, including the brain, but it is in the intestinal tract where they are most commonly found. This problem is far more common than most people will believe. Many of the people who are reading these words are harboring parasites in their bodies without knowing it. That is why I recommend as part of your regular colon cleansing (once in the Spring and again in the Fall) that you include a parasite cleanse in at least one of these cleanses as a preventative measure using a fantastic herbal product called Para-Cleanse I recently had a patient who took my advice and was surprised at the number of worms she saw in her stool as her body was eliminating parasites while she was taking this product. She saw this continue through the end of the 10-day cleanse and asked me what to do. I told her to repeat the cleanse with another Para-Cleanse which she did. By the end of the second cleanse she was no longer seeing parasites in her stool.
Prolapsed Colon (Synonym: Ptosis of the colon) a common condition that occurs when the colon "falls" from its normal position to a lower position. Usually it is not just the colon that is involved. All of the abdominal organs can "sag" in this way. This is generally caused by being out of shape, overweight, and is often due in large part to a general deterioration of colon health as a result of poor colon hygiene. The real problem occurs when the abdominal organs, including the colon, exert pressure on the prostate in men and the uterus and ovaries in women. Women may develop a "tilted" uterus. Exercises on a slant board (where the feet are above the head) are very helpful for this problem along with a better diet. Refer to the book by Dr. Jensen (see recommended reading) for more details on these exercises.
Dilated Blood Vessels such as varicose veins and spider nevi are often causedlike hemorrhoidsby increased internal pressure resulting from straining at the stool because of insufficient dietary fiber.
Skin Problems are often the result of poor colon hygiene. Toxins are sometimes eliminated through the sweat pores of the skin. When excess toxins are being absorbed by the colon, the other elimination systemssuch as the kidneys and lungsare overloaded. Unsightly blemishes, even acne, on the skin can be the result.
Halitosis, or "bad breath," can result from colon problems in the same way. In this case the lungs are eliminating toxins that are being absorbed by the colon.
Heart Disease and Cancer, though not colon problems, are related to problems of the colon because they too can result from a low fiber diet. A recent medical study concluded that "If we could increase the per capita consumption of fiber by 13 grams, the risk of colorectal cancer in the U.S. would decrease by 31%." That translates to two lives saved every hour! Other forms of cancer, including breast cancer, have also been shown to be related to a low intake of dietary fiber.
True or False:
Most of the problems that can occur with the colon are at least in part due to insufficient dietary fiber.
False(Select the best answer and click on the "Continue" button.)